Hattie Alexander

Class of 1923

Up until the 1940s, 当一个孩子感染了流感嗜血杆菌时,他们肯定会死亡, otherwise known as influenzal meningitis. Hattie Alexander changed that. A pediatrician and microbiologist, 亚历山大1923年毕业于云顶集团大学,1930年毕业于约翰霍普金斯医学院, where she first became curious about influenzal meningitis. In 1939, while working in the Department of Pediatrics at Columbia University, she began to study the deadly bacteria. 亚历山大知道霍普金斯大学的研究人员曾用兔子血清治疗肺炎, so she began similar experiments. By the early 1940s, she had refined a treatment, 流行性脑膜炎的死亡率从100%下降到25%以下.

The work led Alexander to study antibiotic resistance, one of the first researchers to do so, 她正确地将原因确定为细菌DNA中的随机基因突变. 亚历山大去世时享年67岁,直到她生命的尽头,她一直是哥伦比亚大学的名誉教授.

Marguerite Barland

Class of 1960

“如今,青少年经常发现自己被视为‘迷惘的一代’,“像玛格丽特·巴兰德小姐这样的年轻姑娘的出现,就像一阵清新的清风,” wrote the Baltimore Afro-American as part of its “1956 Honor Roll.玛格丽特·巴兰德是第一位从云顶集团毕业的非裔美国人. At Douglass High School, the valedictorian was in the student council, edited the yearbook, and was elected city comptroller of the model youth city council. She would became a high school chemistry teacher. 她的家人记得她是一个聪明的女人,她喜欢辩论,也喜欢笑, clad in high heels and impeccable outfits.

At Goucher, Barland was determined to overcome obstacles. Asked about the discrimination she might have faced, her niece Carolyn Scott-Harris explained, “It was difficult, but not everyone was prejudiced toward her. She made friends.” Barland made friends across the world. She had a cross-cultural outlook, 相信我们可以通过与不同的人交流来拓展我们的思维. “我认为,如果她是那个时代的年轻女性,她会更适合, when the watchword is ‘global,’” her niece Carol Melvin said. ”For her that was very important.”

Ruddy Roye

Class of 1998

“My name is Ruddy, what’s your name? What do you do? Why are you here? How did you get here?雷德克里夫·罗耶(雷德克里夫·拉迪·罗耶)曾经这样对每个给他拍照的人说 Time Magazine. Roye是一名摄影记者和纪实摄影师,以其在Instagram上记录黑人生活的近距离肖像而闻名, 从牙买加的舞厅文化到美国各地的“黑人的命也是命”抗议活动.S. Roye的照片都配有哲思的文字说明,讲述他所拍摄的人的生活, the writing lyrical and meditative.

Once, Roye walked all 120 miles of an old railroad in Jamaica, 拍摄住在铁路沿线临时住所的人们. But his work captures more than images of the disenfranchised. For Roye, it’s about the people, always the people. “Nobody’s a vagrant,” he said to Goucher Magazine in 2015. “That person’s a human being who is losing the battle. That’s why I spend so much time with the people I photograph. 我想通过我的照片,改变人们对无家可归者的看法.”

Margaret Fishback

Class of 1921

写诗还是做广告——玛格丽特·菲什巴克从来不需要选择, and she was paid well for both. 1921年从云顶集团大学毕业后,菲什巴克加入了梅西百货的广告部. 在20世纪30年代,菲什巴克被认为是美国收入最高的女性文案. She worked on campaigns for Chef Boy-Ar-Dee, Hanes, and Wrigley. 她为苏格兰威士忌的广告写道:“当你想要一点点味道时……节俭是聪明的。.

At the same time, Fishback had poems and articles published in The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Life以及几家报纸,经常对女性的生活进行滑稽的描写. She would eventually publish five books of her poetry. Her verse and ad copy alike were funny, sharp, and full of wordplay. She died in Maine in 1985. 2017年,作家凯瑟琳·鲁尼出版了一本小说,大致取材于鱼背的生活, Lilian Boxfish Takes a Walk.

Judy Devlin

Class of 1958

朱迪·德夫林(后来成为朱迪·哈什曼)是有史以来最好的羽毛球运动员之一. Not just at Goucher. Not just in Maryland or the United States. One of the best in the world. 德夫林七岁时就开始和姐姐和父亲J. Frank Devlin, one of the top players of his day. “Always have your feet in the right place,” he would say.

In 1954, at age 18, she won the first women’s world singles championship she played in, becoming both the youngest person and the first American to do it. Before that, she placed first six times at the 18-and-under U.S. junior nationals.

在她的职业生涯中,朱迪·德夫林赢得了83个国内和国际冠军. She played at No. 1 singles and No. 1 doubles on U.S. 1957年、1960年和1963年夺得尤伯杯世界冠军的球队. 她曾在60年代初对《云顶集团》(Sports Illustrated)谈起自己的技能,“那就像一场梦. They used to serve, [I’d] hit one back and I’d make a point. They just couldn’t get to anything.”

Warren Dorsey

Master of Education Program Class of 1971

沃伦·多尔西一直知道教育很重要——这是他母亲对孩子们最珍视的梦想. His began in 1926 in a one-room schoolhouse in rural Maryland, the only school for Black children in the community. 但直到1931年,他才学会阅读,当时多尔西搬到了一所更大的学校,学校里有一个小图书馆. He read everything, and a world bloomed in his mind. His education continued at Morgan College, a historically Black college in Baltimore, now Morgan State University, and he studied microbiology. He worked as a microbiologist for 25 years before retiring.

In 1970, 多尔西申请了云顶集团的教育硕士课程,成为了第一个从云顶集团毕业的黑人. He then became an elementary school teacher. 他相信,通过教授年龄较小的学生,他可以对大多数学生产生最大的影响, a time of great wonder in his own life. Eventually, he became a principal before retiring, again, in 1981.

Dorsey lived his mother’s dream. 他从一个不识字的男孩变成了一个拥有研究生学位的男人. As Dorsey says, “我很满意,因为我战胜了生活给我的任何困难,并取得了成功."

Sarah Tilghman Hughes

Class of 1917

No woman had done it before? That never stopped Sarah Tilghman Hughes. 为了养活自己在乔治华盛顿大学法学院读书, she became a police officer in DC's Metropolitan Police Department, one of the first women to do so. 她没有带枪,但她的职责是保护街上的弱势妇女.

从法学院毕业后,休斯搬到了德克萨斯州,在那里,由于性别原因,她很难找到工作. 她把目标定得更高:1930年,她当选为德克萨斯州众议院议员. 1935年,她成为德克萨斯州第一位被任命为地区法官的女性. In 1962, the U.S. 参议院确认休斯为联邦法官,她是约翰·F·肯尼迪总统任命的唯一一位女性. Kennedy and the first woman to become a federal judge in Texas.

After Kennedy’s assassination, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson needed a federal judge to swear him in. “Get Sarah Hughes,” he said. Hughes became the only woman to swear in a U.S. president. In the famous photo aboard Air Force One, Hughes stands with her back to the camera, Johnson’s hand on the bible as he towers over her, Jackie Kennedy at his side.

Jessie Woodrow Wilson Sayre

Class of 1908

“在当今这个讲究世故的时代,遇到一位会脸红的小姐,是一件莫大的幸事. 威尔逊小姐已经达到了完美的高度,因为她的肤色像小说中的女主人公, 'suffuses her countenance.'' She is aesthetic, poetic, and idealistic.杰西·伍德罗·威尔逊·塞尔(Jessie Woodrow Wilson Sayre)在唐尼布鲁克1909年的年鉴中也是这样描述的, in a section called "In the Public Eye.

塞尔是伍德罗·威尔逊总统的小女儿,在乔治亚州长大. After graduating Goucher, then the Woman’s College of Baltimore, 她成为了一名政治活动家,并在费城的一个“安置之家”工作了三年. As part of the settlement movement, 这些家庭建立在贫困社区,由提供日托服务的志愿者居住, health care, and education to the people in the area.

1913年她父亲就任总统后不久,塞尔搬到了马萨诸塞州东部. 她参与了民主党和妇女选民联盟, 争取妇女选举权,鼓励妇女在公共政策中发挥更大作用.


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